Sabtu, 26 November 2016

A letter to your younger and 10 years later

hello friends back with me rian pirnando in a very good chance I'll tell you my hope in the future is often called a letter to the future. honest to all my friends I really hope later finished college and had earned a degree of agriculture, I hope to work in an oil company that is now standing in my area. I also thought my chance to get in on a company that is also very spacious for keeping in labor so much in need especially equivalent degree. I beharap I could be a manager in a company and can generate both parents names and can prove to the people around me when I was in college it is not just a lecture but it was to make my future brighter than in those who do not study. I also have goals that the companies in my area is not managed by outsiders but our own. I promise I will try to make all my dreams through this beloved campus (UNTAN) which can carry and help me to achieve this along with the prayers of parents who are very I needed. so what can I tell you about what I would have pursued in the past my old days. thanks for friends who faithfully follow my blog this God Bless

Rabu, 23 November 2016

The Online Information Debate

 Name  Groups:
 Marta Anindita - 
 Ade Putra -
 Rian Pirnando -
 Abraham Aritonang -
 Syafitra -

1. What website do you use to find information? which are best? why?
Marta: what sites do you think best? Explain?Ade:, because on facebook all the information I can see, with the information on the facts and abroad.Abraham:, because I liked the information or news about football and I believe that this site can give me information tentnag football from home and abroadRian:, for in google I can find things I wanted to find something whether it be material or events in the worldSyafitra:, because all the information I find I can get into the site, and all information contained in this site is the fact that most actual and I believe the site or the information contained in this site is the best.
2. does your school or teachers have any rules about using such sites?
Rian: whether schools or teachers have rules for using these sites?Marta: There may be some who interpret this site is bad for small children or minors, because in this site there are a lot of content in adults, but in my opinion depends on those who use it whether it is good or bad use.Abraham: there are no restrictions, because the information contained in this site is only concerned about football.Syafitra: there are no restrictions, because the sites I select very facilitate its users to get the information.Ade: I do not think so, because the sites I select a site that is good for anyone who uses the site

.3. what is the difference between online information and information from libraries or encyclopedias?
Abraham: what is the difference between online information and information from the library in the encyclopedia?Marta: I think more the latest information from the online encyclopedia information from libraryAde: its difference is the online information very easily on the can, and it is always the latest newsSyafitra: very different in terms of its presentation of information is much differentRian: for information online in presenting the information we need very fast and more popular

Jumat, 18 November 2016

My Karaoke Song and Why

Hello friends back with me rian pirnando I hope comrades remained faithful to follow the recent notification on my blog. I hope that at this meeting, comrades still in a healthy state without lacking anything, before I apologize equal comrades if I had been less give information about my blog. for comrades wherever they are and whatever work you are and whatever your problem I will try to make your day all the more in enlightened by reading my blog this time. at our meeting this time I tell you a little problem my hobby in the world of music or songs that often make my day more meaningful and gives motivation for me to use this time as best as possible the song was titled SARJANA MUDA, song of Iwan flas where the song is told so hard a scholar looking for a job in the middle of the rivalry that is so heavy this song gives us advice when we school or college, do not just quickly teach title scholar but no special expertise us in Bisang we choose songs that too often I karaoke and often I ponder whether I will be the same as disclosed in the song and I can be better than that told in the song. I hope his friends also have the spirit and be conscious of the moment after reading my blog. This just might be that I can share to all of you at our meeting this time, there may be the wrong word I'm sorry, I said the final say many thanks for your attention and your faithfulness in following my blog.

Kamis, 17 November 2016


The revolution that took part way. things take longer to happen than you Think it turns out this was stated by Rudi Dornbusch applies to everything from late-life marriage to exponential technologies. a quantitative rovolusi where a single molecule can be entangled with carbon nanotubes and manipulated individual neurons using light. This breakthrough will bring us only half way to subdue conditions such as schizophrenia or autism. the article is "sabine Heinlein suffering an episode spikotik but went to college on a program that helps him ward schizophrenia
Applies. : berlaku
Amerging. : muncul
Traits. : sifat
Reveal. : mengungkapkan
Core. : inti
Gifted. : berbakat
Buoyed. : didukung
Sibling. : saudara kandung
Ways. : cara

Impact. : Dampak

Jumat, 11 November 2016

Favorite Place I've Traveled to

Hello friends how are you all I hope you are fine.

 My own excellent news thankful I can still breathe see and so moreover. I am very happy they can greet you all through my blog. thank you, I thank all of you for all your loyalty in following all the stories about me personally. On the occasion of this happy let me tell you a little about the place or location that I visit often has even become my vaforit location while on vacation. comrades curious not ???? where it is a long sand singkawang, for me it is perfect place for us to spend our day off or just to seek sensation and calms the mind as possible from family problems, girlfriend problems, work problems, educational problems or other. because there but we can enjoy the cool sea breeze we were also spoiled with the surge of ocean waves besides many games for the children to you who bring the family there and there are also many types of foods offered around the beach is even for you who liked the photos that is where the most good. I've been there about six times on holiday I strongly feel differently one example that I felt while being there was my mind became quiet as if in my life there is no load. That's the reason why long sand singkawang become my favorite place at the moment. I also believe comrades certainly has its own favorite places, but what's the harm if comrades tried to take a holiday in the sand long singkawang. perhaps this that I can say in our meetings very short this time, for the attention of all of you I say many thanks congratulations activity according to each job. Regards RIAN PIRNANDO